Thursday, June 5, 2014

Pregnant Couples Should Receive Parenting Lessons

Gideon Ogundele 6/6/14 English 2 Pregnant couples should receive parenting lessons Why should there be parenting lessons ? I believe that there should be parenting lessons to help young teens or even older parents . Its help parents know how t manage stress , and what to do when they are at there breaking point another way it helps is by preventing child abuse. Also parents will be better prepared to recognize and respond to bullying whether their child is the bully or the victim. Another reason would be because it would prevent teens from wanting kids when they're not ready.Having a baby completely changes someone's life. A lot of things that come with having a baby do come naturally. However, a lot of things are very hard and take a lot of tolerance to deal with. Therefore, it is because of this, that it is important that anyone, including pregnant teens and their partners, attend parenting classes. These classes help you understand things that you would never think of on your own. A parenting class can give you better understanding in your child life so that you can become the best parent possible and they're offered for every type of parent, from the brand new mom and dad to the seasoned parents of teens. Parenting classes can help give you a better understanding on what to expect, learn more about parenting and discipline styles and help you feel more confident and in control as a parent.Most parenting classes help parents to understand their roles better. A new parenting class might talk about infants and their needs and safety, while a teen parenting class may focus on discipline and trust. Regardless of the age of your children, a parenting class can help you become a more confident parent as you learn strategies to stay close to your children as you raise them . Some new parents might be nervous about the impending arrival of their little one, and rightly so. A new baby brings new challenges and experiences that some parents simply aren't equipped or prepared to deal with that's why class are available for anyone . Parenting classes are an ideal way to meet other parents who are in the same walk of life. Together, you can find parenting solutions and have an opportunity to socialize with individuals who can relate to your day-to-day struggles. All parents should be required to take this class. Many parents allow their child or teenager to use internet in their bedrooms, and not in an open area where everyone can walk by and look. This can result in the child contacting internet predators cyber bullying, posting nude photos online and viewing pornography. Parents should not allow internet in their child's or teen's bedroom and their child should be taken away if they do.The last reason would be that in that classroom it will teach you basics in parenting. Like how to properly change a baby and establishing a safe